Thomas Jefferson - 3rd President of the United States
Jefferson (1743-1826), third president of the United States of America, and the
most conspicuous apostle of democracy in America, was born on the 13th of April
1743, at Shadwell, Albemarle county, Virginia. His father, Peter Jefferson (1707-1757),
of early Virginian yeoman stock, was a civil engineer and a man of remarkable
energy, who became a justice of the peace, a county surveyor and a burgess, served
the Crown in inter-colonial boundary surveys, and married into one of the most
prominent colonial families, the Randolphs. Albemarie county was then in the frontier
wilderness of the Blue Ridge, and was very different, socially, from the lowland
counties where a few broad-acred families dominated an open-handed, somewhat luxurious
and assertive aristocracy. Unlike his Randolph connexions, Peter Jefferson was
a whig and a thorough democrat; from him, and probably, too, from the Albemarle
environment, his son came naturally by democratic inclinations.
Jefferson carried with him from the college of William and Mary at Williamsburg,
in his twentieth year, a good knowledge of Latin, Greek and French (to which he
soon added Spanish, Italian and Anglo-Saxon), and a familiarity with the higher
mathematics and natural sciences only possessed, at his age, by men who have a
rare natural taste and ability for those studies. He remained an ardent student
throughout life, able to give and take in association with the many scholars,
American and foreign, whom he numbered among his friends and correspondents. With
a liberal Scotsman, Dr William Small, then of the faculty of William and Mary
and later a friend of Erasmus Darwin, and George Wythe (1726-1806), a very accomplished
scholar and leader of the Virginia bar. Jefferson was an expert violinist, a good
singer and dancer, proficient in outdoor sports, and an excellent horseman. Thorough-bred
horses always remained to him a necessary luxury. He never used tobacco, never
played cards, never gambled, and was never party to a personal quarrel.
Soon after leaving college he entered Wythe's law office, and in 1767, after
five years of close study, was admitted to the bar. His thorough preparation enabled
him to compete from the first with the leading lawyers of the colony, and his
success shows that the bar had no rewards that were not fairly within his reach.
As an advocate, however, he did not shine; a weakness of voice made continued
speaking impossible, and he bad neither the ability nor the temperament for oratory.
To his legal scholarship and collecting zeal Virginia owed the preservation of
a large part of her early statutes. He seems to have lacked interest in litigiousness,
which was extraordinarily developed in colonial Virginia; and he saw and wished
to reform the law's abuses. It is probable that he turned, therefore, the more
willingly to politics; at any rate, soon after entering public life he abandoned
his law practice.
The death of his father had left him an estate of 1900 acres, the income from
which (about ?400) gave him the position of an independent country gentleman;
and while engaged in the law he had added to his farms after the ambitious Virginia
fashion, until, when he married in his thirtieth year, there were 5000 acres all
paid for; and almost as much more came to him in 1773 on the death of his father-in-law.
On the 1st of January 1772, Jefferson married Martha Wayles Skelton (1749-1782),
a childless widow of twenty-three, very handsome, accomplished, and very fond
of music. Their married life was exceedingly happy, and Jefferson never remarried
after her early death. Of six children born from their union, two daughters alone
survived infancy. Jefferson was emotional and very affectionate in his home, and
his generous and devoted relations with his children and grandchildren are among
the finest features of his character.
Jefferson began his public service as a justice of the peace and parish vestryman;
he was chosen a member of the Virginia house of burgesses in 1769 and of every
succeeding assembly and convention of the colony until he entered the Continental
Congress in 1775. His forceful, facile pen gave him great influence from the first;
but though a foremost member of several great deliberative bodies, he can fairly
be said never to have made a speech. He hated the? morbid rage of debate "because
he believed that men were never convinced by argument, but only by reflection,
through reading or unprovocative conversation; and this belief guided him through
life. Moreover it is very improbable that he could ever have shone as a public
speaker, and to this fact unfriendly critics have attributed, at least in part,
his abstention from debate. The house of burgesses of 1769, and its successors
in 1773 and 1774, were dissolved by the governor for their action on the subject
of colonial grievances and intercolonial co-operation. Jefferson was prominent
in all; was a signer of the Virginia agreement of non-importation and economy
(1769); and was elected in 1774 to the first Virginia convention, called to consider
the state of the colony and advance intercolonial union. Prevented by illness
from attending, Jefferson sent to the convention elaborate resolutions, which
he proposed as instructions to the Virginia delegates to the Continental Congress
that was to meet at Philadelphia in September.
Reappointed to the next Congress, he signalized his service by the authorship
of the Declaration of Independence. Again reappointed, he surrendered his seat,
and after refusing a proffered election to serve as a commissioner with Benjamin
Franklin and Silas Deane in France, he entered again, in October 1776, the Virginia
legislature, where he considered his services most needed.
The local work to which Jefferson attributed such importance was a revision
of Virginia's laws. Of the measures proposed to this end he says: "I considered
four, passed or reported, as forming a system by which every trace would be eradicated
of ancient or future aristocracy, and a foundation laid for a government truly
republican "the repeal of the laws of entail; the abolition of primogeniture
and the unequal division of inheritances (Jefferson was himself an eldest son);
the guarantee of freedom of conscience and relief of the people from supporting,
by taxation, an established church; and a system of general education.
District, grammar and classical schools, a free state library and a state college,
were all included in his plan. He was the first American statesman to make education
by the state a fundamental article of democratic faith. His bill for elementary
education he regarded as the most important part of the code, but Virginia had
no strong middle class, and the planters would not assume the burden of educating
the poor. At this time Jefferson championed the natural right of expatriation,
and gradual emancipation of the slaves. His earliest legislative effort, in the
five-day session of 1769, had been marked by an effort to secure to masters freedom
to manumit their slaves without removing them from the state. It was unsuccessful,
and the more radical measure he now favoured was even more impossible of attainment;
but a bill he introduced to prohibit the importation of slaves was passed in 1778
- the only important change effected in the slave system of the state during the
War of Independence. Finally he endeavoured, though unsuccessfully, to secure
the introduction of juries into the courts of chancery.
In 1779, at almost the gloomiest stage of the war in the southern states, Jefferson
succeeded Patrick Henry as the governor of Virginia, being the second to hold
that office after the organization of the state government. In his second term
(1780-1781) the state was overrun by British expeditions, and Jefferson, a civilian,
was blamed for the ineffectual resistance.
He was unanimously returned by Albemarle County as a delegate to the state
legislature; and on the day previously set for legislative inquiry on a resolution
offered by an impulsive critic, he received, by unanimous vote of the house, a
declaration of thanks and confidence. He wished however to retire permanently
from public life, a wish strengthened by the illness and death of his wife. At
this time he composed his Notes on Virginia, a work full of humanitarian liberalism.
Congress twice offered him an appointment as one of the plenipotentiaries to negotiate
peace with England, but, though he accepted the second offer, the business was
so far advanced before he could sail that his appointment was recalled. During
the following winter (1783) he was again in Congress, and headed the committee
appointed to consider the treaty of peace.
In the succeeding session his service was marked by a report, from which resulted
the present monetary system of the United States; and by the honour of reporting
the first definitely formulated plan for the government of the western territories,i
that embodied in the ordinance of 1784. He was already particularly associated
with the great territory north-west of the Ohio; for Virginia had tendered to
Congress in 1781, while Jefferson was governor, a cession of her claims to it,
and now in 1784 formally transferred the territory by act of Jefferson and his
fellow delegates in congress: a consummation for which he had laboured from the
beginning. His anti-slavery opinions grew in strength with years (though he was
somewhat inconsistent in his attitude on the Missouri question in 1820-1821).
From 1784 to 1789 Jefferson was in France, first under an appointment to assist
Benjamin Franklin and John Adams in negotiating treaties of commerce with European
states, and then as Franklin's successor (1785-1789) as minister to France. In
these years he travelled widely in western Europe. Though the commercial principles
of the United States were far too liberal for acceptance, as such, by powers holding
colonies in America, Jefferson won some specific concessions to American trade.
He was exceedingly popular as a minister.
His theories had a deep and broad basis in English whiggism; and though he
may well have found at least confirmation of his own ideas in French writers -
he did not read sympathetically the writers commonly named, Rousseau and Montesquieu;
besides, his democracy was seasoned, and he was rather a teacher than a student
of revolutionary politics when he went to Paris. The Notes on Virginia were widely
read in Paris, and undoubtedly had some influence in forwarding the dissolution
of the doctrines of divine rights and passive obedience among the cultivated classes
of France. Jefferson was deeply interested in all the events leading up to the
French Revolution, and all his ideas were colored by his experience of the five
seething years passed in Paris. On the 3rd of June 1789 he proposed to the leaders
of the third estate a compromise between the king and the nation. In July he received
the extraordinary honour of being invited to assist in the deliberations of the
committee appointed by the national assembly to draft a constitution which he
declined for he observed official proprieties and in no way wished to offend the
French government to which he was accredited.
When Jefferson left France it was with the intention of soon returning; but
President Washington offered him the secretaryship of state in the new federal
government, and Jefferson reluctantly accepted. Alexander Hamilton was secretary
of the treasury. These two men, opposite in temperament and political belief,
clashed in irreconcilable hostility, and in the conflict of public sentiment,
first on the financial measures of Hamilton, and then on the questions with regard
to France and Great Britain, Jefferson's sympathies being predominantly with the
former, Hamilton's with the latter, they formed about themselves the two great
parties of Democrats and Federalists. The schools of thought for which they stood
have since contended for mastery in American politics: Hamilton's gradually strengthened
by the necessities of stronger administration, as time gave widening amplitude
and increasing weight to the specific powers-and so to Hamilton's great doctrine
of the "implied powers" - of the general government of a growing country;
Jefferson's rooted in colonial life, and buttressed by the hopes and convictions
of democracy.
The most perplexing questions treated by Jefferson as secretary of state arose
out of the policy of neutrality adopted by the United States toward France, to
whom she was bound by treaties and by a heavy debt of gratitude.
In the presidential election of 1796 John Adams, the Federalist candidate,
received the largest number of electoral votes, and Jefferson, the Republican
candidate, the next largest number, and under the law as it then existed the former
became president and the latter vice-president.
The Federalist party had ruined itself, and it lost the presidential election
of 1800. The Republican candidates, Jefferson and Aaron Burr, receiving equal
votes, it devolved upon the House of Representatives, in accordance with the system
which then obtained, to make one of the two president, the other vice-president.
In 1804, Jefferson was re-elected President by 162 out of 176 votes.
Jefferson's administrations were distinguished by the simplicity that marked
his conduct in private life. He eschewed the pomp and ceremonies, natural inheritances
from English origins, that had been an innocent setting to the character of his
two noble predecessors. His dress was of "plain cloth" on the day of
his inauguration. Instead of driving to the Capitol in a coach and six, he walked
without a guard or servant from his lodgings-or, as a rival tradition has it,
he rode, and hitched his horse to a neighbouring fence-attended by a crowd of
citizens. Instead of opening Congress with a speech to which a formal reply was
expected, he sent in a written message by a private hand. He discontinued the
practice of sending ministers abroad in public vessels. Between himself and the
governors of states he recognized no difference in rank. He would not have his
birthday celebrated by state balls. The weekly levee was practically abandoned.
Even such titles as "Excellency," "Honourable," "Mr"
were distasteful to him. It was formally agreed in cabinet meeting that "when
brought together in society, all are perfectly equal, whether foreign or domestic,
titled or untitled, in or out of office." Thus diplomatic grades were ignored
in social precedence and foreign relations were seriously compromised by dinner-table
complications. One minister who appeared in gold lace and dress sword for his
first, and regularly appointed, official call on the president, was received -
as he insisted with studied purpose - by Jefferson in negligent undress and slippers
down at the heel.
Jefferson's first administration was marked by a reduction of the army, navy,
diplomatic establishment and, to the uttermost, of governmental expenses; some
reduction of the civil service, accompanied by a large shifting of offices to
Republicans; and, above all, by the Louisiana Purchase, following which Meriwether
Lewis and William Clark, sent by Jefferson, ducted their famous exploring expedition
across the continent to the Pacific.
When, on the 4th of March 1809, Jefferson retired from the presidency, he had
been almost continuously in the public service for forty years. He refused to
be re-elected for a third time, though requested by the legislatures of five states
to be a candidate. Jefferson's last years were devoted to the establishment of
the university of Virginia at Charlottesville, near his home. He planned the buildings,
gathered its faculty-mainly from abroad-and shaped its organization. Practically
all the great ideas of aim, administration and curriculum that dominated American
universities at the end of the r9th century were anticipated by him. His fine
library of over 10,000 volumes was purchased at a low price by Congress in 1815,
and a national contribution ($26,500) just before his death enabled him to die
in peace.
He died on the 4th of July 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration
of Independence, on the same day as John Adams. He chose for his tomb the epitaph:
"Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of American
Independence, of the statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and father of
the university of Virginia."
Jefferson was about 6 ft. in height, large-boned, slim, erect and sinewy. He
had angular features, a very ruddy complexion, sandy hair, and hazel-flecked,
grey eyes. Age lessened the unattractiveness of his exterior. In later years he
was negligent in dress and loose in bearing. There was grace, nevertheless, in
his manners; and his frank and earnest address, his quick sympathy (yet he seemed
cold to strangers), his vivacious, desultory, informing talk, gave him an engaging
charm. Beneath a quiet surface he was fairly aglow with intense convictions and
a very emotional temperament. Yet he seems to have acted habitually, in great
and little things, on system. His mind, no less trenchant and subtle than Hamilton's,
was the most impressible, the most receptive, mind of his time in America. The
range of his interests is remarkable.
He was classed as a "French infidel "and atheist. His attitude toward
religion was in fact deeply reverent and sincere, but he insisted that religion
was purely an individual matter, "evidenced, as concerns the world by each
one's daily life," and demanded absolute freedom of private judgment. He
looked on Unitarianism with much sympathy and desired its growth. "I am a
Christian," he wrote in 1823, "in the only sense in which he (Jesus)
wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all
others; ascribing to himself every human excellence, and believing he never claimed
any other."
Reference: Excerpts of the above History article are from the 1911 edition