James Monroe - 5th President of the United States
Monroe (1758-1831), fifth president of the United States, was born on Monroe's
creek, a tributary of the Potomac river, in Westmoreland county, Virginia, on
the 28th of April 1758. His father, Spence Monroe, was of Scotch, and his mother,
Elizabeth Jones, was of Welsh descent. At the age of sixteen he entered the College
of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, but in 1776 he left college to take
part in the War for Independence.
He enlisted in the Third Virginia regiment, in which he became a lieutenant,
and subsequently took part in the battles of Harlem Heights, White Plains, Trenton
(where he was wounded), Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. In November 1777
he was appointed volunteer aide-de-camp to William Alexander ("Lord Stirling"),
with the rank of major, and thereby lost his rank in the Continental line; but
in the following year, at Washington's solicitation, he received a commission
as lieutenant-colonel in a new regiment to be raised in Virginia. In 1780 he began
the study of law under Thomas Jefferson, then governor of Virginia, and between
the two there developed an intimacy and a sympathy that had a powerful influence
upon Monroe's later career.
In 1782 he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, and though only
twenty-four years of age he was chosen a member of the governor's council. He
served in the Congress of the Confederation from 1783 to 1786 and was there conspicuous
for his vigorous insistence upon the right of the United States to the navigation
of the Mississippi River, and for his attempt, in. 1785, to secure for the weak
Congress the power to regulate commerce, in order to remove one of the great defects
in. the existing central government. On retiring from Congress he began the practice
of law at Fredericksburg, Virginia, was chosen a member of the Virginia House
of Delegates in 1787, and in 1788 was a member of the state convention which ratified
for Virginia the Federal constitution.
In 1790 he was elected to the United States senate to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of William Grayson, and although in this body he vigorously opposed
Washington's administration, Washington on the 27th of May 1794 nominated him
as minister to France. It was the hope of the administration that Monroe's well-known
French sympathies would secure for him a favourable reception, and that his appointment
would also conciliate the friends of France in the United States. His warm reception
in France and his enthusiastic Republicanism, however, displeased the Federalists
at home; he did nothing, moreover, to reconcile the French to the Jay treaty,
which they regarded as a violation of the French treaty of alliance of 1778 and
as a possible casus belli. The administration therefOre decided that he was unable
to represent his government properly and late in 1796 recalled him.
Monroe returned to America in the spring of 1797, and in the following December
published a defence of his course in a pamphlet of 500 pages entitled A View of
the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, and
printed in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin Bache (1769-1798). Washington seems
never to have forgiven Monroe for this, though Monroe's opinion of Washington
and Jay underwent a change in his later years.
In 1799 Monroe was chosen governor of Virginia and was twice re-elected, serving
until 1802. At this time there was much uneasiness in the United States as a result
of Spain's restoration of Louisiana to France by the secret treaty of San Ildefonso,
in October 1800; and the subsequent withdrawal of the "right of deposit"
at New Orleans by the Spanish intendant greatly increased this feeling and led
to much talk of war. Resolved upon peaceful measures, President Jefferson. in
January 1803 appointed Monroe envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
to France to aid Robert R. Livingston, the resident minister, in obtaining by
purchase the territory at the mouth of the Mississippi, including the island of
New Orleans, and at the same time authorized him to co-operate with Charles Pinckney,
the minister at Madrid, in securing from Spain the cession of East and West Florida.
On the 18th of April Monroe was further commissioned as the regular minister to
Great Britain. He joined Livingston in Paris on the 12th of April, after the negotiations
were well under way; and the two ministers, on finding Napoleon willing to dispose
of the entire province of Louisiana, decided to exceed their instructions and
effect its purchase. Accordingly, on the 3oth of April, they signed a treaty and
two conventions, whereby France sold Louisiana to the United States.
In July 1803 Monroe left Paris and entered upon his duties in London; and in
the autumn of 1804 he proceeded to Madrid to assist Pinckney in his efforts to
secure the definition of the Louisiana boundaries and the acquisition of the Floridas.
After negotiating with Don Pedro de Cevallos, the Spanish minister of foreign
affairs, from January to May 1805, without success, Monroe returned to London
and resumed his negotiations, which had been interrupted by his journey to Spain,
concerning the impressment of American seamen and the seizure of American vessels.
As the British ministry was reluctant to discuss these vexed questions, little
progress was made, and in May 1806 Jefferson ordered William Pinkney of Maryland
to assist Monroe.
The British government appointed Lords Auckland and Holland as negotiators,
and the result of the deliberations was the treaty of the 31st of December 1806,
which contained no provision against impressments and provided no indemnity for
the seizure of goods and vessels. In passing over these matters Monroe and Pinkney
had disregarded their instructions, and Jefferson was so displeased with the treaty
that he refused to present it to the senate for ratification, and returned it
to England for revision. Just as the negotiations were re-opened, however, the
questions were further complicated and their settlement delayed by the attack
of the British ship Leopard upon the American frigate Chesapeake.
Monroe returned to the United States in December 1807, and was elected to the
Virginia House of Delegates in the spring of 1810. In the following winter he
was again chosen governor, serving from January to November 1811, and resigning
to become secretary of state under Madison, a position which he held until the
3rd of March 1817. The direction of foreign affairs in the troubled period immediately
preceding and during the second war with Great Britain thus devolved upon him.
On the 27th of September 1814, after the disaster of Bladensburg and the capture
of Washington by the British, he was appointed secretary of war to succeed General
John Armstrong, and discharged the duties of this office, in addition to those
of the state department, until March 1815.
In 1816 Monroe was chosen President of the United States; he received 183 electoral
votes, and Rufus King, his Federalist opponent, 34. In 1820 he was re-elected,
receiving all the electoral votes but one, which William Plumer (1759-1850) of
New Hampshire cast for John Quincy Adams, in order, it is said, that no one might
share with Washington the honour of a unanimous election.
The chief events of his administration, which has been called the "era
of good feeling, were the Seminole War (1817-18); the acquisition of the Floridas
from Spain (1819-21); the "Missouri Compromise (1820), by which the first
conflict over slavery under the constitution was peacefully adjusted; the veto
of the Cumberland Road Bill (1822)1 on constitutional grounds; and-most intimately
connected with Monroe's name-the enunciation in the presidential message of the
2nd of December 1823 of what has since been known as the Monroe Doctrine, which
has profoundly influenced the foreign policy of the United States.
On the expiration of his second term he retired to his home at Oak Hill, Loudoun
county, Virginia. In 1826 he became a regent of the University of Virginia, and
in 1829 was a member of the convention called to amend the state constitution.
Having neglected his private affairs and incurred large expenditures during his
missions to Europe, he experienced considerable pecuniary embarrassment in his
later years, and was compelled to ask Congress to reimburse him for his expenses
in the public service. Congress finally (in 1826) authorized the payment of $30,000
to him, and after his death appropriated a small amount for the purchase of his
papers from his heirs.
He died in New York City on the 4th of July 1831, while visiting his daughter,
Mrs Samuel L. Gouverneur. In 1858, the centennial year of his birth, his remains
were reinterred with impressive ceremonies at Richmond, Virginia. Jefferson, Madison,
John Quincy Adams, Calhoun, and Benton all speak loudly in Monroe's praise; but
he suffers by comparison with the greater statesmen of his time. Possessing none
of their brilliance, he had, nevertheless, to use the words of John Quincy Adams,
"a mind . . . sound in its ultimate judgments, and firm in its final conclusions."
Schouler points out that like Washington and Lincoln he was "conspicuous
. . . for patient considerateness to all sides."
Monroe was about six feet tall, but, being stoop-shouldered and rather ungainly
seemed less; his eyes, a greyish blue, were deep-set and kindly; his face was
delicate, naturally refined, and prematurely lined. The best-known portrait, that
by Vanderlyn, is in the New York City Hall. Monroe was married in 1786 to Elizabeth
Kortwright (1768-1830) of New York, and at his death was survived by two daughters.
Reference: Excerpts of the above history article are from the 1911 edition